Robert Couture Cited on Big Four’s Legal and Business Strategy

news January 18, 2022
News Mentions

A January 18, 2022 article titled, “You’ve Been Thinking About The Big Four All Wrong,” on cited CLP fellow Bob Couture’s research on the Big Four. Couture previously “interviewed 20 senior leaders at the Global 100 firms about what they knew about and how they were responding to the Big Four,” the articles states. “Most did not have a clue. ‘Our awareness is one-inch deep’, was the response of one executive. ‘We only have one partner that believes there are barbarians at the gate,’ said another. Couture found that a ‘significant number of firms have given little or no thought’ to the competitive threat the Big Four pose, with a quarter having ‘virtually no knowledge’ of what the Big Four were doing. While half only had ‘casual awareness’ of their activities.”