The New Legal Function: 360 Degree Insights for Law Leaders

Full recording now available here!
Read the Reports:
1. The General Counsel Imperative: How do you turn barriers into building blocks?
2. The General Counsel Imperative: How does contracting complexity hide clear profitability?
3. The General Counsel Imperative: How can you evolve entity management into effective governance?
Join the Harvard Law School Center on the Legal Profession for a special webinar presented in collaboration with EY Law that will bring together global leaders from law, business, and the academy to discuss the challenges and opportunities for in-house legal departments and related functions over the next 6-24 months. The discussion will be informed by a major study based on 2,000 interviews with general counsel, business leaders, and contracting professionals across 22 countries conducted by the Center and EY in early 2021.
Featuring presentations from David B. Wilkins (Lester Kissel Professor of Law, Harvard Law School) and Cornelius Grossmann (EY Global Law Leader) as well as conversations and commentary from Kate Barton (EY Global Vice Chair – Tax), Doug Lankler (General Counsel, Pfizer), Sara Moss (Vice Chairman, Estée Lauder), Mary O’Carroll (Chief Community Officer at Ironclad, Inc.), and Heidi Stenberg (EY Americas Legal Function Consulting Leader)—and more to come!
10:00 — 10:20am ET – Welcome and Introduction: Situating the New Legal Function: Driving growth and controlling risk in the global market post-COVID
10:20 — 10:30am ET – The 2021 EY-Center on the Legal Profession Law Survey: Key Insights from Legal Departments and Contracting Professionals
10:30 — 11:00am ET – The CEO’s Perspective on the Legal Department: Priorities, Concerns and Opportunities
11:00am — 12:00pm ET – A View Across the Company: How are Legal Departments Responding to Changing Imperatives?
12:00 — 12:15pm ET – Break
12:15 — 1:15pm ET – Developing Better Solutions in an Evolving Legal Ecosystem with Evolving Legal Demands
1:15 — 2:15 pm ET – The Transformative General Counsel: Increasing Roles in Business, Government, and Society
2:15 — 2:30 pm ET – Concluding Remarks